

Your Airport Operational Readiness Specialists

Building a new airport or adding a terminal extension to your existing airport is a multifaceted project bound by federal regulation and requires specialists experienced in airport operational readiness. Chrysalis Global Aviation airport consultants have deep industry knowledge and a portfolio of experience in airport activations and terminal transitions so we understand the distinctiveness of your airport project.

Ensure your airport is ready for operations from Day One. Don’t walk alone.

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Put your airport project in the hands of true aviation experts.

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Operational Readiness and Airport Transfer (ORAT)

Airport operational readiness projects focus not only on the construction of your new airport or terminal but also on the technology, processes and people inside. We ensure your software and systems are up-and-running and train your staff so your airport is ready for opening day.

New Facility Activation

Airport businesses experience challenges when faced with pulling off a seamless move from one airport or terminal to another, especially if operating at full flight capacity throughout the move. We manage the transition to your new facility with little risk and disruption to passenger service.

Change Management

Moving to a new airport or terminal often comes with new processes and technologies. We recognize and understand the human element in a move of this magnitude and manage your employees, customers and suppliers, encouraging them to embrace change.

Physical Move

You don’t move alone. We coordinate the physical move of people, equipment and technology from your old airport or terminal to the new.

Airport Operational Trials and Simulations

Botched technology and process transfers during a new airport activation project threaten your opening. From component and software trials to full-scale simulations, we prevent technology and procedures from failing.

Documentation, Training and Support

Federal regulations and many stakeholders invested in your airport put your project under the spotlight. We document your airport project from start to finish and provide training and support for staff and stakeholders.
